Synology NAS with Cloudflare DDNS
If you have a residential Internet connection through Comcast Xfinity, Spectrum, or most other major Internet service providers, you likely have a dynamic IP address that is subject to change at your ISP’s whim. Dynamic DNS (DDNS) tools are designed to automatically update your domain’s DNS records in case your external IP address changes.
Wildcard SSL Certificates with Certbot + Cloudflare
If you use Cloudflare for your DNS, Certbot makes it easy to get a wildcard SSL certificate with automatic DNS verification. A wildcard certificate allows you to use one certificate that is valid for all subdomains on your domain (i.e.,,,
Using the Cloudflare DNS plugin, Certbot will create, vali...
Configuring a Cisco 8841-3PCC for FreePBX, 3CX, etc
Cisco makes two different groups of IP phone - one using Enterprise Firmware and the other using Multi-Platform Firmware (sometimes referenced as 3PCC - third party call control). Phones using MPP/3PCC firmware are relatively easy to get working with alternative PBX systems like FreePBX or 3CX.
I have several of the Cisco 8841-3PCC phones conne...
11 post articles, 2 pages.